Friday 13 May 2011

england's Dreaming

abattoir flowcart fishpig & doomsday
how the dead must be put to work also
sometime some time & despair must be made
whispering tree vibrating t/h/read o
o death¿ give me a snog, & then we’ll sleep

england is a bowl o’rag england is
a used price tag scene of circus evidences
& osborne’s tongue flicks out to snatch
the moon&stars by gain our pain god save
blap flarp zap shoo god help the poor & sick

. sick. a place of hounding of eyeball
s on sticks rose-maggot battered button
(baton) clouds swoop to nowhere o’er goldgreen
glimmer threat’ning o lovely hair & snot
vermillion, pastoral snail gliding\gilding

shiver ...


  1. Is there a hint of the Rubaiyat in here?

  2. Not consciously, Philipp ... more medieval dream poem or singsong seventeenth century ballad was the idea ... the title refers to the Sex Pistols's 'God Save the Queen':-)

  3. From the Rubaiyat:
    "Awake! For morning in the bowl of night
    Hath flung the stone that put the stars to flight,
    And lo! the hunter of the east hath caught
    The sultan's turret in a noose of light."

    Quite medieval indeed, if you ask me, even if the translation is very much of our time.

    Thanks for the po'm!
