Tuesday 16 February 2010

numbers 76-80 : tristan und isolde

76. For one year minus one day & it was not a leap year she sculpted a head of the Marquis de Sade from wasps especially desiccated yet kept artificially alive by means of a process known only to her aunt & uncle (although he was less than 12 feet tall). 77. When the head was completed she wrapped it in wet bandages & delivered it by hand (she wore gloves) to the next but nearest police station; the dampness of the bandages dis-suspended the animation of the wasps & de Sade’s head (maintaining its shape although blurred in outline) swarmed upon the police stinging & goading them to acts of polymorphous madness. 78. Her uncle happily was present & thus filmed the festival. 79. The following year having precisely deconstructed the head of de Sade & reutilising the given materials she sculpted a head of The Unnamed Supermodel repeating both time span & presentation process, however the police were upon their guard & massacred her aunt who on this occasion had possession of the cinema camera. 80. It was inevitably her duty to avenge her dead aunt her less than 12 feet tall uncle having been driven polymorphously sane by the loss of his lifetime companion, so she set about constructing a hallucination from several oak trees 3 soft-boiled eggs & an original copy of a copy of Fragonard’s Le Verrou & this hallucination was of the Death Mask of Beethoven -
she knew that she could die happy & so she did

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